The AHRI is commitment to health disparities narrowing is grounded in its firm assertion of the role of scientifically funded research into risk factors identification and race/geography related intervention mapping. So, if there’s so much funding being handed out, why don’t more people apply? First, getting your hands on some of that money isn’t always easy. It takes time and work just to sort through the thousands of available funding opportunities, then there’s filling out applications and writing proposals—all with no guarantee that you’ll ever receive a check. That’s simply too much work for most people, especially when they wonder if there is even funding that’s right for them. But, for those willing to invest the time and energy into finding, applying for, and submitting proposals, it can be very profitable. With the AHRI team of people assisting you, the process will be made clearer, manageable and easier.
The AHRI term studies the NIH and non-NIH funding mechanisms in order to advice for- profit and non-profit health and socio-medical agencies on their potentials for funded research/projects. Below are the services provided by AHRI staffs who work directly with the non-profit health and socio-medical services organization to provide them with the technical assistance needed for their proposal developments to fit into the various funding organization’s program announcements. The main steps utilized by AHRI are: (a) Research description or abstract (both scientific and layman), (b) Specific aims, objectives and/or hypothesis, (c) background and significance, (d) research strategies – design and plan, (e) limitations, (f) project timeline, and (g) human subjects consideration.
These are though not limited to:
- Grant identification appropriate to the agencies
- Grants proposal preparation in line with the NIH requirements
- Technical assistance to agencies in grants management and project evaluation